
Download Aqua Real 2: Screensaver Aquarium Terbaik Versi TopTenReviews

Sedikit review tentang Screensaver Aqua Real 2.
1. Gerakan ikan dan terumbu karang terkesan seperti asli
2. Kurang banyak pilihan backgroundnya
3. Cukup berat, tapi untuk komputer jaman sekarang sih cukup berjalan dengan baik
4. Ada tambahan, add more here . . .


Watch realistic fish swim across your screen in 3D graphics
Aqua Real 2, our TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award winner, is a DigiFish product by Formosoft International Inc. and has the best combination of believable tropical fish, vivid backgrounds full of color and overall feature set.

Aqua Real 2 is truly stunning when you first see it. Every scene has a sense of visual depth and vivid color that most of the other programs we reviewed couldn’t achieve. Fish would swim just pass the screen and then travel back into the distance and pass behind coral, plants and shipwrecks. The scenery looks fantastic, but the real strength of the program is in the fish. Aqua Real 2 has some of the most life-like fish that we’ve seen, and their movements and behaviors are completely realistic.